Another new web presence – AS Computing

I may have mentioned that this year is the first time I’m teaching AS Computing on my own. And in my spare time. And for free…

As I create resources for each lesson I’ll be uploading them to a new Posterous blog. The resources will, naturally, be CC licensed and duplicated at my Mukoku site.

Master Chief, Backed Up

Originally uploaded by Rico-san

A day for webdesign

New website

I had a glance at my blog earlier today, and while I chose a nice and colourful theme the fonts were a bit big and I wasn’t 100% happy.

I’ve still gone for an unmodified theme, but a slightly more subtle one – and I decided to finally do that revamp to my homepage while I was at it.

A couple of years ago I put a bit of content on my site – and updated it as things went on – but it has become apparent that with the number of cloud based systems out there I no longer rely on a website to host “stuff” and really what I need is a single portal page.

The design is by Mike Jolley and I’m sure you will agree it is rather nifty.

Next job… start categorising there posts better…